Treasures From The Sea

Today my class and I are doing a free read and the poem I chose is a book named Treasures from the Sea. It’s about how shells look and feel. I think the message is about how wonderful shells are. I would give the poem a 5 out of 5 because I really like the poem and I like shell too.

(The poem Sharp-shaped spiral shell, looking like a stairway slippery castle top,

sea-worn and smooth, little round univalve, shaped like hovercraft,

small ridged shells struck on sparkling sand.

How long have you been here on Ohope beach? What were you doing before I picked you up?

Why are you shaped like that?)

by john Okeroa.

One thought on “Treasures From The Sea

  1. Kia ora Noah,

    I really like how you have all your punctuation like commas full stops and even question marks.

    The story sounds very interesting, it sound like one I read the other day but its not.

    from Tawhi from Belfast school.

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