WalkAbout Art Fun

Hi my name is Noah and Yesterday room 1,7 and 2 did a walkabout to look at graffiti. We did it in groups I was with Miss Watherston along with us were yanni,stalla and me (Noah). We did the walkabout because we had a challenge to look for some art in new brighten. We discovered a really cool looking art somewhere in an alley next to the BBQ flower shop. I enjoyed the walk because I found a bamboo stick and I didn’t do much work.

Here are two sites where you can look at some cool art NB online   NBOAF

Here is one of the best arts of all times                  Have you found this art before?

One thought on “WalkAbout Art Fun

  1. Hi Noah I really liked how you managed to get this awesome! Photo and u added all the people who was your group also I was in your group when you went on this walk also yes I have seen before actually this was great.
    From Tyson-Fiata

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