Portrait with my dog

For my summer learning journey I did a Portrait with my dog buddy, here it is.

One thought on “Portrait with my dog

  1. Hi Noah,

    It’s Emma here from the Summer Learning Journey.
    What a great activity to start your summer journey off with!

    I love this activity because I get to see all of the fun and unique ways everyone has been recreating their chosen portraits. Yours is definitely no exception to that! Choosing to use your dog Buddy for the photo is such a funny and clever idea, you are the first to have done something like this so far!

    I can see you have chosen clothing items similar to that used in the painting and additionally using a backdrop makes it looks even more realistic! How long did it take you to get this picture? Was Buddy more than happy to play along or did he require lots of treats to keep him motivated! My two sausage dogs at home don’t like to be dressed up at all. Whenever I put something on them they stand as still as a statue until I take it off!

    This portrait really is a very old painting. Did you learn anything about the Artist through doing this activity?

    Thank you for sharing Noah, I can’t wait to see what you post next.

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