Ash Wednesday

Yesterday (14/2/24) at school we did Ash Wednesday mass at school and welcomed the new students who started this year. The kapahaka people  performed a haka (Tahu Potiki, Maraka, Maraka) it was a long mass but half way in everyone got an Ash cross on our forehead.

Do you know any haka?

Waitangi Day

For the past week we have been learning about Waitangi day, Here are three facts about Waitangi Day

The Treaty of Waitangi was first signed 6-February 1840.

500 Maori chiefs signed the treaty by the end of 1840.

Waitangi Day became a national public holiday in 1974.

This is some facts about the Christchurch history

This learning was fun but was annoying because before I finished my work we left for morning tea but it was very good otherwise.

What do you know anything about Waitangi day?

Feast Day Blog

Last Friday our school did a feast day to celebrate  Immaculate Mary. There were a lot of fun games like doge ball, face paint, foot ball, sack race and a sausage sizzle and an ice block at the end of the day. My favourite game was dodge ball. I got hit about 20 people. The day was very hot so it was really hard to concentrate where I threw the ball.

here are some photos of the feast day.

First Aid 2023

On Wednesday someone from St John called Sophie came to NBC to teach the school first aid. 


We started by learning CPR and different emergencies Sophie did CPR on a test dummy called bob. Next we went into pears and had to pretend to be unconscious. I was with a classmate called James. Both of us got to have a turn being unconscious. There were prizes for the best unconscious person and in one of them there were three people and all three got a footstep. I enjoyed this and would do it again.

Beach ed -2023

Yesterday on Thursday the 24th of November, room 1, 2 and 7 walked down to North Beach surf life savings club for beach ed. Beach Ed is about  learning about the safety rules of the beach. 


First we met up with some lifeguards. To have a tour and to talk about the equipment and how to use the things and what they do. First bit of the equipment was a kayak that can hold 35 people. The second bit was the IRB which had a whole bunch of different types of stuff like a paddle, in case the engine runs out of fuel, and a recuse tube to grab people and pull them to safety  next was a knife just in case the seaweed wraps around their legs but knife is blunt  because if a lifeguard drops the knife on there foot it will not hurt as much. Then we had a look at the things they would use in case someone is unconscious. They had an oxygen tank and mask to help people breathe and a sucky thing that would take all the vomit and sea water that is in your mouth. 


( I loved the tour there more but it will be too much for the time i have) next we had morning tea we all just ate the top of the deck and waited for the next activity. 


Next we did a beach eds talent show. For the talent show, we had to get into groups and perform something about a beach safety rule. Our rule was about making sure you swim in between the flags. We learnt this is important to make sure you are safe. We then went outside to play some beach games. These games included Captains coming. We also had to play a team game where we had to try to dig the deepest hole. Then we tried to make the biggest mountain and a sandcastle. I enjoyed this bit because when we were doing the sandcastles I made a turtle and it was fun. 


We then had lunch and got changed for swimming. Before we went swimming, the lifeguards recapped beach safety rules so that we were safe. Then we went outside to go onto the beach. But there were boundaries. The teachers formed a wall so that we couldn’t go out to the big waves. In the water we played around and swam. This bit was also fun. 


I really enjoyed this experience, and I really found it interesting when we found out how to read rips. I enjoyed playing with my friends in the water and when Miss KW splashed me with water. 

Periodic-Table 2023

For the past three weeks my class and I have been learning about the periodic table and its elements. Here are some things that I have learnt on my slide show. One thing that I learnt was how helium is in small air pockets in the world. Have you heard of periodic-table?


Zones 2023

On Tuesday people got to go to zones from athletics day (what was a trial for zones) . I was in the 1000 metres, shot put and relays. First I did 1000 m. I was nervous at the beginning and started jogging before finishing the race with a sprint. I didn’t win but had a good time. Next was the shot put, I threw three throws and I got 6m, 7m and don know the last. In the relay we ran and our team got last.

Book-Review About Miri And Raru

Today my class and I are doing free reading every Tuesday. The book is about a girl who likes to draw but is not paying attention in class. She draws stuff like monsters she gets corted by the teacher. The teacher gave her extra  homework but she drew the teacher being eaten by a monster. when she woke up the monster became alive Miri and Raru went down stairs to get something to eat I guess the monster’s breakfast was the table because he ate the table. Miri put the monster in her bag to take to school when she arrived at school she passed a boy and the monster grrred the boy opened up the bag and found the monster the boy was  scard and started to back off the teacher came out and had a little chat to Miri and they got along well.

I really like the story and I would give the book a 5 out of 5 because I like to draw too.